Children & Youth
AWANA 7:00 Fridays
AWANA helps churches and parents work together to develop spiritually strong children and youth who faithfully follow Jesus Christ. This program offers a proven approach for evangelizing and discipling children. For over 60 years AWANA has been leading kids to know, love and follow Christ. Each week, nearly two million kids participate in AWANA internationally.
Children 10:30 Sundays
Children are able to worship with parents during the praise time and then are dismissed to children’s church. While parents are listening to the message children worship in children church. Our children are involved in Easter and Christmas plays and other fun events throughout the year.
Student 7:00 Fridays
The youth gather together every Friday night. Throughout the year the youth are involved in service projects, worship, serving in the church, snow camp, and retreats.
Adult Ministries
Prayer 7:00 Wensdays
Zoom Prayer Meeting gathers weekly to pray for the needs of the church, missions, and prayer request
Worship 10:30 Sundays
Crossroad’s Worship and Praise is Sunday at 10:30 am. Come as you are and worship our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ. Worship is lead by a praise team that incorporates a blend of contemporary and traditional hymns. The messages are biblically based, relevant, and encouraging. Ministries tailored to the needs of children are available during the service.