Audio Sermons
Reaching the World for Christ
Speaker: Dr Rob Lundgren
Topic: Luke 6:12-16
Jesus is LORD
Speaker: Dr Rob Lundgren
Topic: Luke 6:1-11
Jesus came to save sinners
Speaker: Dr Rob Lundgren
Topic: Luke 5:27-38
Forgiven and made whole by faith in Jesus
Speaker: Dr Rob Lundgren
Topic: Luke 5:12-26
Follow Jesus and Fish for Men
Speaker: Dr Rob Lundgren
Topic: Luke 5:1-11
Jesus is the Christ
Speaker: Dr Rob Lundgren
Topic: Luke 4:31-44
Who is Jesus?
Speaker: Dr Rob Lundgren
Topic: Luke 4:13-20
Who is Jesus?
Speaker: Dr Rob Lundgren
Topic: Luke 4:13-20
Victory over Temptation
Speaker: Dr Rob Lundgren
Topic: Luke 4:1-13
Trust in the Anointed One
Speaker: Dr Rob Lundgren
Topic: Luke 3:21-38
Prepare to Meet the LORD
Speaker: Dr Rob Lundgren
Topic: Luke 3:1-20
Jesus, the child who is God
Speaker: Dr Rob Lundgren
Topic: Luke 2:41-52
Jesus is the hope of the world
Speaker: Dr Rob Lundgren
Topic: Luke 2:21-35
The Christmas Story
Speaker: Dr Rob Lundgren
Topic: Luke 2:1-20
Mary's Magnificant
Speaker: Dr Rob Lundgren
Topic: Luke 1:39-56
Mary's Magnificant
Speaker: Dr Rob Lundgren
Topic: Luke 1:39-56
The Greatest Pregnancy Ever Announced
Speaker: Dr Rob Lundgren
Topic: Luke 1:26-38
The Night is Almost Over
Speaker: Dr Rob Lundgren
Topic: Luke 1:5-25
Luke fortifies our faith so that we walk with God & proclaim Christ
Speaker: Dr Rob Lundgren
Topic: Luke 1:1-4
Be Encouraged
Speaker: Dr Rob Lundgren
Topic: 2 Tim 4:9-22
Finish well
Speaker: Dr Rob Lundgren
Topic: 2 Tim 4.7
Preach the Word of Truth
Speaker: Dr Rob Lundgren
Topic: 2 Tim 4:1-8
Standing in the Last Days
Speaker: Dr Rob Lundgren
Topic: 2 Tim. 3:10-17
The Last Days
Speaker: Dr Rob Lundgren
Topic: 2 Tim. 3:1-9
Approved Workers Walk in the Word of Truth
Speaker: Dr Rob Lundgren
Topic: 2 Tim 2:14-26
Approved Workers are Not Ashamed
Speaker: Dr Rob Lundgren
Topic: 2 Tim 2:15
Suffering for Jesus
Speaker: Dr Rob Lundgren
Topic: 2 Tim 2:3-13
Rescue the Perishing
Speaker: Dr Rob Lundgren
Topic: 2 Tim 1:8-18
5 habits of an effective spiritual Dad
Speaker: Dr Rob Lundgren
Topic: 2 Tim 1:1-7
Living in light of the end of the world
Speaker: Dr Rob Lundgren
Topic: 2 Peter 3:11-18
Advice for the Last Days
Speaker: Dr Rob Lundgren
Topic: 2 Peter 3:1-11
Following False Teachers leads to Sin and Death
Speaker: Dr Rob Lundgren
Topic: 2 Peter 2:11-22
Beware of False Teachers
Speaker: Dr Rob Lundgren
Topic: 2 Peter 2:1-10
Pay Attention to the Truth
Speaker: Dr Rob Lundgren
Topic: 2 Peter 1:5-11
It's Time to Grow Up
Speaker: Dr Rob Lundgren
Topic: 2 Peter 1:5-9
God's Power and Promise for Spiritual Life
Speaker: Dr Rob Lundgren
Topic: 2 Peter 1:1-5
Stand Against Satan
Speaker: Dr Rob Lundgren
Topic: 1 Peter 5:8-14
Walk humbly before God
Speaker: Dr Rob Lundgren
Topic: 1 Peter 5:5-7
Church Leadership
Speaker: Dr Rob Lundgren
Topic: 1 Peter 5:1-4
When Trials Come
Speaker: Dr Rob Lundgren
Topic: 1 Peter 4:12-19
The End is Near
Speaker: Dr Rob Lundgren
Topic: 1 Peter 4:7-11
Live for the one who died for you
Speaker: Dr Rob Lundgren
Topic: 1 Peter 4:1-6
Persecuted but still proclaiming Jesus
Speaker: Dr Rob Lundgren
Topic: 1 Peter 3:13
Living the Good Life
Speaker: Dr Rob Lundgren
Topic: 1 Peter 3:8-12
Harmony in the Home
Speaker: Dr Rob Lundgren
Topic: 1 Peter 3:1-7
The Suffering Servant
Speaker: Dr Rob Lundgren
Topic: Isaiah 53
Display the grace of God at Work
Speaker: Dr Rob Lundgren
Topic: 1 Peter 2.18
Government, God and Guns
Speaker: Dr Rob Lundgren
Topic: 1 Peter 2:13
Our 3 fold Mission
Speaker: Dr Rob Lundgren
Topic: 1 Peter 2:11-12
Pursue Christ & His Purposes
Speaker: Dr Rob Lundgren
Topic: 1 Peter 2:4-10
Truth inspires true Love
Speaker: Dr Rob Lundgren
Topic: 1 Peter 1:22-2:3
Reasons to live with Hope and Holiness
Speaker: Dr Rob Lundgren
Topic: 1 Peter 1:17-21
Live in Hope and Holiness
Speaker: Dr Rob Lundgren
Topic: 1 Peter 1:14-16
Fix your hope on heaven with a prepared and sober mind
Speaker: Dr Rob Lundgren
Topic: 1 Peter 1.13
Rejoice in Suffering
Speaker: Dr Rob Lundgren
Topic: 1 Peter 1:6-12
Praise God for our Salvation
Speaker: Dr Rob Lundgren
Topic: 1 Peter 1.3-5
Hope and Help in Hard Times
Speaker: Dr Rob Lundgren
Topic: 1 Peter 1:1-2
Be a B.O.L.D & Fruitful disciple of Christ
Speaker: Dr Rob Lundgren
Topic: Discipleship
Jesus satisfies our longings
Speaker: Dr Rob Lundgren
Topic: Psalm 23
The Good Shepherd Meets our Needs
Speaker: Dr Rob Lundgren
Topic: John 10
The King is Coming!
Speaker: Dr Rob Lundgren
Topic: Psalm 2
Who is Messiah?
Speaker: Dr Rob Lundgren
Topic: Psalm 110
Praise God for His Greatness & Grace
Speaker: Dr. Rob Lundgren
Topic: Psalm 113
How to live happily ever after
Speaker: Dr Rob Lundgren
Topic: Psalms 1
The Cry of the afflicted
Speaker: Dr Rob Lundgren
Topic: Psalm 13
Working while we wait
Speaker: Dr Rob Lundgren
Topic: 2 These 3:6-18
be empowered by prayer
Speaker: Dr Rob Lundgren
Topic: 2 These 3:1
Stand in the Truth by God's grace
Speaker: Dr Rob Lundgren
Topic: 2 These. 2.13-17
Has the Day of the Lord arrived?
Speaker: Dr. Rob Lundgren
Topic: 2 Thess. 2:1-12
Praying like the Apostle
Speaker: Dr Rob Lundgren
Topic: 2 These. 1:11-12
God is Just in rewarding the faithful and punishing the wicked
Speaker: Dr. Rob Lundgren
Topic: 2 These. 1:4-10
preparing for persecution
Speaker: dr Rob Lundgren
Topic: 2 These 1:1-4
Sold Out for Jesus
Speaker: Dr Rob Lundgren
Topic: 1 These 5:23-28
Focus on the Family
Speaker: Dr Rob Lundgren
Topic: 1 These. 5:16-22
It's all in the family
Speaker: Dr Rob Lundgren
Topic: 1 These. 5:12-15
Live like a believer since the King is Coming
Speaker: Dr Rob Lundgren
Topic: 1 Thess. 5:1-11
Words of Hope in times of distress
Speaker: Dr Rob Lundgren
Topic: 1 These 4:13-18
Living to please God
Speaker: Dr. Rob Lundgren
Topic: 1 These 4:1-12
Praying for those we love
Speaker: Dr Rob Lundgren
Topic: 1 These 3:13-16
5 keys to being a good spiritual parent
Speaker: Dr. Rob Lundgren
Topic: 1 These. 2:17-3:12
Thank God for His transforming Truth
Speaker: Dr Rob Lundgren
Topic: 1 These. 2:13-16
Build disciples by proclaiming truth with love
Speaker: Dr. Rob Lundgren
Topic: 1 Thess 2:1-12
Encouragement for dark days
Speaker: Dr. Rob Lundgren
Topic: 1 Thessalonians 1
Be a messenger of Grace
Speaker: Dr Rob Lundgren
Topic: Galatians 6:11-18
You will reap what you sow
Speaker: Dr. Rob Lundgren
Topic: Galatians 6:6-10
Be a Burden Bearer
Speaker: dr Rob Lundgren
Topic: Galatians 6:1-5
Keep in step with the Spirit
Speaker: Dr. Rob Lundgren
Topic: Galatians 5:13-26
The only thing that matters
Speaker: Dr Rob Lundgren
Topic: Galatians 5:1-13
Believers are redeemed and adopted by faith in Christ
Speaker: Dr Rob Lundgren
Topic: Galatians 4:1-11
Grace is Superior to Law
Speaker: Dr Rob Lundgren
Topic: Galatians 3:15-29
He is Risen
Speaker: Dr Rob Lundgren
Topic: Easter 2023
Justified by Faith
Speaker: Dr Rob Lundgren
Topic: Gal. 2:11-24
Test of a True Prophet of God
Speaker: Dr Rob Lundgren
Topic: Galatians 2:1-10
Power of a good testimony
Speaker: dr Rob Lundgren
Topic: Gal. 1:11-23
DON'T be deceived but believe in the true Gospel
Speaker: Dr Rob Lundgren
Topic: Galatians 1:1-9
Finish Well, part 2
Speaker: Dr Rob Lundgren
Topic: Finish Well
Finish Well
Speaker: Dr Rob Lundgren
Topic: Colossians 4
Talk to the Father about people before you talk to people about the Father
Speaker: Dr Rob Lundgren
Topic: Col. 4:2-6
Your Work Matters to God
Speaker: Dr Rob Lundgren
Topic: Colossians 3:22-4:1
Heaven's Help for the Home
Speaker: Dr Rob Lundgren
Topic: Colossians 3:18-21
Live like Jesus
Speaker: Dr. Rob Lundgren
Topic: Col. 3:12-17
Live like a follower of Christ
Speaker: Dr. Rob Lundgren
Topic: Colossians 3:1-11
God requires his people to be faithful
Speaker: Dr Robert Lundgren
Topic: Joseph was a faithful follower of God
Speaker: Dr Rob Lundgren
Topic: Jesus is the Savior
Why The Nativity?
Speaker: Dr. Rob Lundgren
Topic: Christmas
Don't be deceived, Live in Christ
Speaker: Dr. Rob Lundgren
Topic: Colossians 2:8-23
Don't be deceived, Live in Christ
Speaker: Dr. Rob Lundgren
Topic: Colossians 2:8-23
Love & Live in Christ
Speaker: Dr Rob Lundgren
Topic: Colossians 2:1-7
Be Thankful
Speaker: Dr Rob Lundgren
Topic: Colossians 1:3-8
Jesus is Sovereign and all Sufficient
Speaker: Dr Rob Lundgren
Topic: Colossians 1:1-4
12 signs of His Coming
Speaker: Dr. Rob Lundgren
Topic: Jesus is Coming Again
Jesus is coming again
Speaker: Dr Rob Lundgren
Topic: Second Coming
Heaven part 6: Questions about Eternity
Speaker: Dr. Rob Lundgren
Topic: Rev. 22
Heaven part 5: Eternity
Speaker: Dr. Rob Lundgren
Topic: Revelation 21-22
Heaven part 4: The Millennial Kingdom
Speaker: Dr Rob Lundgren
Topic: Revelation 20
Heaven: Our Hope
Speaker: Dr Rob Lundgren
Topic: Heaven, part 3, Present temporal heaven
Heaven, Our Reward
Speaker: Dr Rob Lundgren
Topic: Heaven, part 2: Our Reward
Speaker: Dr. Bob Lundgren
Topic: Heaven, Part 1
Salvation is by God's grace through faith in Jesus
Speaker: Dr. Bob Lundgren
Topic: Glorify God
Glorify God by obeying his word and proclaiming the way
Speaker: Dr. Bob Lundgren
Topic: Other
Love is affirming, accepting, laboring and listening
Speaker: Dr. Bob Lundgren
Topic: Rom 16
Dream Big & Pray Hard
Speaker: Dr. Bob Lundgren
Topic: Other
Pursue Christ in power of Spirit so that the lost may be reached and the church built up
Speaker: Dr. Bob Lundgren
Topic: Other
Obey the Word
Speaker: Dr. Bob Lundgren
Topic: Rom. 15:1-5
Love limits it's liberty
Speaker: Dr. Bob Lundgren
Topic: Rom 14:13-15:7
Liberty, Unity & Love
Speaker: Dr. Bob Lundgren
Topic: Rom 14:1-12
Hate has no place here
Speaker: Dr. Bob Lundgren
Topic: Rom 13:8-14
How to be a godly rebel
Speaker: Dr. Bob Lundgren
Topic: Romans 13:1-7
Love like Jesus
Speaker: Dr. Bob Lundgren
Topic: Rom 12:14-21
Love must be sincere, part 2
Speaker: Dr. Bob Lundgren
Topic: Rom 12:9-13
Love sincerely
Speaker: Dr. Bob Lundgren
Topic: Romans
Serve courageously, Stand confidently
Speaker: Dr. Bob Lundgren
Topic: Easter
Unwrap your spiritual gift
Speaker: Dr. Bob Lundgren
Topic: Rom. 12:3-8
Worship: Our ultimate priority
Speaker: Dr. Bob Lundgren
Topic: Rom 12:1-2
Israel's future restoration
Speaker: Dr. Bob Lundgren
Topic: Rom 11
Listening to God
Speaker: Dr. Bob Lundgren
Topic: Other
God's amazing love toward us
Speaker: Dr. Bob Lundgren
Topic: Rom 8.32
God's providential care of those in Christ
Speaker: Dr. Bob Lundgren
Topic: Rom 8:26
Support for sufferers on the way to glory
Speaker: Dr. Bob Lundgren
Topic: Rom 8:1-27
Purpose behind suffering
Speaker: Dr. Bob Lundgren
Topic: Rom 8:17-18
Living by the Spirit
Speaker: Dr. Bob Lundgren
Topic: Rom 8:12-17
Live life of Love
Speaker: Dr. Bob Lundgren
Topic: Romans 8
Living free of the Law's condemnation
Speaker: Dr. Bob Lundgren
Topic: Rom. 7
Who are you going to serve?
Speaker: Dr. Bob Lundgren
Topic: Rom 6:15-23
3 Gifts from Jesus to you this Christmas
Speaker: Dr. Bob Lundgren
Topic: Christmas
Path to Spiritual victory
Speaker: Dr. Bob Lundgren
Topic: Rom. 6:1-14
The Problem of Sin & Death
Speaker: Dr. Bob Lundgren
Topic: Rom 5:12-23
Having peace & joy in difficult times
Speaker: Dr. Bob Lundgren
Topic: Rom 5:1-11
Justified by faith
Speaker: Dr. Bob Lundgren
Topic: Romans 4
Declared right with God
Speaker: Dr. Bob Lundgren
Topic: Romans 3:21-23
Total depravity
Speaker: Dr. Bob Lundgren
Topic: Rom 3:9-22
Religious but in need of God's righteousness
Speaker: Dr. Bob Lundgren
Topic: Rom 3.1-8
Religious but unrighteous
Speaker: Dr. Bob Lundgren
Topic: Rom 2:17-29
Good People don't go to heaven w/o Jesus
Speaker: Dr. Bob Lundgren
Topic: Rom 2:1-16
The consequences of rejecting God's truth
Speaker: Dr. Bob Lundgren
Topic: Rom 1:24-32
Cause of our terminal condition
Speaker: Dr. Bob Lundgren
Topic: Rom 1:22-23
Our terminal condition
Speaker: Dr. Bob Lundgren
Topic: Rom 1:18-21
A heart for evangelism
Speaker: Dr. Bob Lundgren
Topic: Rom 1:8-17
Our mission
Speaker: Dr. Bob Lundgren
Topic: Rom. 1:1-7
God empowers us to proclaim Jesus and his coming kingdom
Speaker: Dr. Bob Lundgren
Topic: Acts 28
Encouragement in life's storms
Speaker: Dr. Bob Lundgren
Topic: Acts 27
Weathering life's storms
Speaker: Dr. Bob Lundgren
Topic: Acts 27
Have you lost your mind?
Speaker: Dr. Bob Lundgren
Topic: Acts 26
The primary importance of the resurrection of Christ
Speaker: Dr. Bob Lundgren
Topic: Other
Bad news & good news
Speaker: Dr. Bob Lundgren
Topic: Acts 25
Waiting on Lord
Speaker: Dr. Bob Lundgren
Topic: Other
Power of integrity in our testimony
Speaker: Dr. Bob Lundgren
Topic: Acts 24
Trust in the Providential Care of God
Speaker: Dr. Bob Lundgren
Topic: Other
The up's and downs of sharing the good news
Speaker: Dr. Bob Lundgren
Topic: Other
Our Testimony & God's power to save
Speaker: Dr. Bob Lundgren
Topic: Other
Two life principles
Speaker: Dr. Bob Lundgren
Topic: Acts 21:15-40
What is required to do God's will?
Speaker: Dr. Bob Lundgren
Topic: Acts 21
Finish Well
Speaker: Dr. Bob Lundgren
Topic: Acts 20:22-27
Living to please the Lord
Speaker: Dr. Bob Lundgren
Topic: Acts 20:17-21
Resurrection hope
Speaker: Dr. Bob Lundgren
Topic: 1 Peter 1:3
How 1 person changed the world
Speaker: Dr. Bob Lundgren
Topic: Acts 20
Civil disobedience & social involvement
Speaker: Dr. Bob Lundgren
Topic: Other
Living with purpose and direction
Speaker: Dr. Bob Lundgren
Topic: Acts 19:21
Filling of Holy Spirit
Speaker: Dr. Bob Lundgren
Topic: Acts 19
Grow in Grace
Speaker: Dr. Bob Lundgren
Topic: Acts 18:18
Our eternal hope
Speaker: Dr. Bob Lundgren
Topic: Other
4 encouraging words
Speaker: Dr. Bob Lundgren
Topic: Acts 18
Reaching intellectuals with foolish message of the Cross
Speaker: Dr. Bob Lundgren
Topic: Acts 17:16-34
The fundamental question
Speaker: Dr. Bob Lundgren
Topic: Acts 16:25-34
Hoping for the return of the King
Speaker: Dr. Bob Lundgren
Topic: Isaiah 11
God's providence inspires us to praise Him and Share Him
Speaker: Dr. Bob Lundgren
Topic: Other
Discipleship is our mission
Speaker: Dr. Bob Lundgren
Topic: Acts 15:36-16:5
Contend for the Truth
Speaker: Dr. Bob Lundgren
Topic: Acts 15:12-35
Count your blessings
Speaker: Dr. Bob Lundgren
Topic: Ps 103
Living by faith
Speaker: Dr. Bob Lundgren
Topic: Habakkuk 3
Contend for the gospel of grace
Speaker: Dr. Bob Lundgren
Topic: Acts 15:1-18
Stay on Mission
Speaker: Dr. Bob Lundgren
Topic: Acts 14:8-32
Be the light to a world in darkness
Speaker: Dr. Bob Lundgren
Topic: Acts 13:42-14:7
Promises made, promises kept
Speaker: Dr. Bob Lundgren
Topic: Acts 13:13-41
The Mission of the Church
Speaker: Dr. Bob Lundgren
Topic: Acts 13
God's unstoppable church
Speaker: Dr. Bob Lundgren
Topic: Acts 12
Marks of growing church
Speaker: Dr. Bob Lundgren
Topic: Acts 11
Good News
Speaker: Dr. Bob Lundgren
Topic: Acts 10:34-48
Ending Prejudice
Speaker: Dr. Bob Lundgren
Topic: Acts 10:1-34
Power of God's Word to undo what sin has done
Speaker: Dr. Bob Lundgren
Topic: Acts 9:32
Growing in Christ
Speaker: Dr. Bob Lundgren
Topic: Acts 9 - Part 3
Growing up in Christ
Speaker: Dr. Bob Lundgren
Topic: Acts 9
God's ability to save and to sanctify
Speaker: Dr. Bob Lundgren
Topic: Acts 9
The Father's cry for the lost to come
Speaker: Dr. Bob Lundgren
Topic: Acts 8:26
Proclaim the Word of Life
Speaker: Dr. Bob Lundgren
Topic: Acts 8
Proclaiming Christ to a woke culture
Speaker: Dr. Bob Lundgren
Topic: Acts 7
Integrity in ministry
Speaker: Dr. Bob Lundgren
Topic: Acts 6
Courageously Sharing the Good News
Speaker: Dr. Bob Lundgren
Topic: Acts 5
Five pursuits of a loving church
Speaker: Dr. Bob Lundgren
Topic: Acts 4:32
Witness with confidence
Speaker: Dr. Bob Lundgren
Topic: Acts 4
Living on Purpose
Speaker: Dr. Bob Lundgren
Topic: Acts 2:42-47
Jesus is Lord so trust & obey
Speaker: Dr. Bob Lundgren
Topic: Acts
The birth of the church
Speaker: Dr. Bob Lundgren
Topic: Acts 2
Be a worthy witness
Speaker: Dr. Bob Lundgren
Topic: Acts 1:12
Witness While You Wait
Speaker: Dr. Bob Lundgren
Topic: Acts 1
Reasons to Accept Creation, part 2
Speaker: Dr Rob Lundgren
Topic: Genesis 1:1
Reasons to Accept Creation, part 1
Speaker: Dr Rob Lundgren
Topic: Genesis 1:1
Reasons to reject evolution, part 2
Speaker: Dr Rob Lundgren
Topic: Gen 1:1
Reasons to Reject Evolution
Speaker: Dr. Rob Lundgren
Topic: Genesis 1:1
John 21
Speaker: Dr Rob Lundgren
Topic: do you love Jesus?
Setting Priorities
Speaker: Dr Rob Lundgren
Topic: John 21
Turning sorrow into joy
Speaker: Dr Rob Lundgren
Topic: John 20
Resurrection Hope
Speaker: Dr Rob Lundgren
Topic: John 20
Transformed by the resurrected Lord
Speaker: Dr Rob Lundgren
Topic: John 19:38
Do not Fear
Speaker: Dr Rob Lundgren
Topic: John 19
Jesus Paid it All
Speaker: Dr Rob Lundgren
Topic: John 19
Failure isn't Final
Speaker: Dr Rob Lundgren
Topic: John 18
God is in Control
Speaker: Dr Rob Lundgren
Topic: John 18
Political Correctness vs The Truth
Speaker: Dr Rob Lundgren
Topic: John 17:17
The Lord's Prayer
Speaker: Dr Rob Lundgren
Topic: John 17
Finding Joy in Sorrow
Speaker: Dr. Rob Lundgren
Topic: John 6:33
The ministry of the Holy Spirit
Speaker: Dr Rob Lundgren
Topic: John 16:14
Our Mission
Speaker: Dr Rob Lundgren
Topic: John 15
The abundant life
Speaker: Dr Rob Lundgren
Topic: John 15
Comfort for a troubled heart
Speaker: Dr Rob Lundgren
Topic: John 14
Love Rejected
Speaker: Dr Rob Lundgren
Topic: John 13:33
Live a Life that is blessed by God
Speaker: Dr Rob Lundgren
Topic: John 13:15
Believe in the Light
Speaker: Dr. Rob Lundgren
Topic: John 12:44
Triumphal Entry
Speaker: Dr Rob Lundgren
Topic: John 12:12
Way to Life is Death
Speaker: Dr Rob Lundgren
Topic: John 12:23
Extravagant Love
Speaker: Dr Rob Lundgren
Topic: John 12:1
Hope of Life
Speaker: Dr Rob Lundgren
Topic: John 11
Jesus is the good shepherd
Speaker: Dr. Rob Lundgren
Topic: John 10
Believe to have life
Speaker: Dr Rob Lundgren
Topic: John 20:30-31
The Abundant Life
Speaker: Dr Rob Lundgren
Topic: John 10:10
Jesus is the life & light of the world
Speaker: Dr. Rob Lundgren
Topic: John 9
The Truth will Set you Free, part 2
Speaker: dr Rob Lundgren
Topic: John 8:32 part 2
The Truth will set you free
Speaker: Dr Rob Lundgren
Topic: John 8:32
Jesus is the light of the world
Speaker: Dr Rob Lundgren
Topic: John 8:12
Caught in the act
Speaker: Dr Rob Lundgren
Topic: John 8
Impacting our community for Jesus
Speaker: Dr. Rob Lundgren
Topic: John 7:39
Who is Jesus?
Speaker: Dr Rob Lundgren
Topic: John 7:1
Don't stop following Jesus
Speaker: Dr Rob Lundgren
Topic: John 6:66 Don't stop following Jesus
Jesus is essential to life
Speaker: Dr Rob Lundgren
Topic: John 6:36
Peace through the storms of Life
Speaker: Dr. Rob Lundgren
Topic: John 6:16
Finding Satisfaction in Christ
Speaker: Dr Rob Lundgren
Topic: John 6:1
John 5:39
Speaker: Dr. Rob Lundgren
Topic: Like Father like Son - 5 witnesses for Jesus
Honor Jesus just like you honor the Father
Speaker: Dr Rob Lundgren
Topic: John 5:23
Stumbling over Jesus
Speaker: Dr Rob Lundgren
Topic: John 5:47 Stumbling over Jesus
Jesus is our healer and savior
Speaker: Dr. Rob Lundgren
Topic: John 5:1
Jesus growing our faith
Speaker: Dr Rob Lundgren
Topic: John 4:42
John 4, Satisfied in Jesus
Speaker: Dr Rob Lundgren
Topic: Finding Satisfaction in Jesus, part 2
John 4:1, Satisfied in Jesus, part 2
Speaker: Dr Rob Lundgren
Topic: Finding Satisfaction in Jesus, part 1
Exalt Christ
Speaker: Dr Lundgren
Topic: John 3:22
The Good News of God's Love for the World
Speaker: Dr. Rob Lundgren
Topic: John 3:16
You must be born again
Speaker: Dr. Rob Lundgren
Topic: John 3:3
Jesus is Lord of the Temple
Speaker: Dr. Rob Lundgren
Topic: John 2:1-3
Jesus' first miracle
Speaker: Dr. Rob Lundgren
Topic: John 2:1
Be a faithful witness
Speaker: Dr Rob Lundgren
Topic: John 1:19-42
Testify about Jesus so that others may believe
Speaker: Dr. Rob Lundgren
Topic: John 1:2-18
The Word, Jesus is God
Speaker: Dr. Rob Lundgren
Topic: John 1:1-6
John 1:1
Speaker: Dr. Rob Lundgren
Topic: Gospel of Belief